Promoting diverse abilities

Everyone brings something different to the table—one thing we all share is the ability to shine.

There's power in diverse abilities

All of us are stronger when each of us can access our full potential. And we're helping to make that happen-wherever and however we can.

Follow along as we spotlight our unique experiences and commit to breaking down barriers.

Uniting for diverse abilities

Fostering future careers through Project SEARCH

Project SEARCH puts young adults with diverse abilities on track for success. See how it helped our intern Jules Dellamarine grow her confidence-and even taught her the skills to make this video.

Creating a culture of caring for every employee

Empowering colleagues with diverse abilities means more than accommodations-it means making sure they have the tools and support they need to thrive. By emphasizing a culture of inclusion and equity, we let our colleagues be their authentic self.

Going the distance with diverse abilities

Whether athletes walk, run or roll, the Achilles Hope and Possibility Race lets them connect and celebrate their abilities. Hear from these resilient racers who overcome the distance, year after year.

Creating pathways for neurodiverse job candidates

Data Analyst Case Johnson brings so much to his team, and to us. We found Case-and other talented, neurodiverse colleagues-by working with Specialisterne to create a unique and inclusive hiring process.

Opening up about mental health helps one colleague connect

Sometimes workers choose not to disclose mental health diagnoses, worried their jobs could be on the line. One TD Bank employee, though, found that sharing her diagnosis was liberating-and helped her connect with her manager and colleagues.

Discovering and developing talent in colleagues of all abilities

We're honored to work with such uniquely talented people—and be recognized as a leading employer by the National Organization on Disability for the fifth consecutive year.

Creating a space to thrive

We put our all into supporting our colleagues' careers—and it shows.

Support in the workplace and beyond