Investing in Communities

Across North America and the U.K., TD supports over 4,700 organizations that work to enrich and strengthen our local communities.

An Opportunity to Help

We view community giving as an opportunity to drive positive change in society. As a large company, we can make a significant contribution. TD donates millions of dollars each year to causes that matter to our customers, employees and stakeholders.

Leveraging TD’s Resources for greater impact

While financial support is important, it can only go so far. Necessary too are helping hands, collaborative partnerships with community organizations and lots of innovative ideas. Where possible, TD facilitates the giving of volunteer time, resources and skills- to help tackle pressing community issues. In doing so, the impacts are far greater.

  • Corporate Giving: TD donates millions of dollars each year in funding and in-kind resources. We are proud to support nonprofits in carrying out their missions and delivering new and improved services.
  • Employee Giving and Volunteering: TD employees generously donate their money, skills and time to community causes. We encourage and facilitate their efforts, and look to support community initiatives that can involve our employees.
  • Community Partnerships: TD proudly works together with many organizations to help tackle important societal challenges. These partnerships are typically multi-year commitments where TD contributes marketing support, financial and business expertise, and more.
  • Thought leadership: TD supports and participates in multi-stakeholder initiatives that aim to generate discussion, ideas and best practices for addressing key community issues.

Learn how we support culture and communities