Banking on the Fundamentals

Looking for quality dividend growers? At TD Asset Management Inc. (TDAM), we've got you covered. Leveraging its strong expertise in fundamental equity investing, TDAM has built an innovative Canadian bank ETF, TD Canadian Bank Dividend Index ETF (TBNK), providing more options and opportunities for investors.
For more information on TD ETFs and ETFs in general, visit our TD ETF Resource Centre.

Reasons to Invest

  1. Tax-Efficient Income: The Canadian banks have historically been able to provide stable and growing income through tax efficient Canadian Eligible Dividends.

  2. Quality Focused: TBNK can be a core building block for any portfolio, providing investors stable growth and income over the long-term.

  3. Differentiated Weighting Methodology: TBNK tracks an index which uses a methodology that puts more weight in issuers with higher dividend growth – an effective strategy for building wealth.

  4. Diversified Bank Exposure: Gain exposure to the largest Canadian banks in one easy, cost-effective solution and avoid the hassle of picking individual stocks.

Why Canadian Banks?

Canadian banks are key pillars in the Canadian economy. They participate in the growth of the country by lending and facilitating transactions across all industries. The Canadian banking sector's future looks bright as they stand to benefit from efficiency improvements, immigration, and acquisition opportunities. Notably, Canadian banks have historically paid attractive dividends and grown these dividends consistently over time. Canadian bank stocks can provide quality growth and income for investor portfolios over the long term.



TSX Ticker



Solactive加拿大银行股息指数(CA NTR)

Management Fee (%)


Risk Rating




Expected Distribution Yield (%)
(As of December 31, 2023)


TBNK Additional Resources

  1. Thought Leadership Paper

    Banking on the Banks: Should all Canadian bank ETFs be painted with the same brush?

  2. TBNK Blog Post

    Not All Banks Are Created Equal

  3. 基金卡

    TD Canadian Bank Dividend Index ETF (TBNK)


以下是通过TD投资TD ETF的一些选择。如果您不是TD客户或已与投资专业人士合作,请随时向他们询问我们的ETF产品系列


进行交易所买卖基金投资可能需要负担相关佣金、管理费以及支出。 Please read the prospectus and ETF Facts before investing.交易所买卖基金没有担保,其价值可能经常变化,且既往表现可能不会重现。交易所买卖基金单位在证券交易所按市场价格进行买卖,因此收益会因经纪人佣金的支付而减少。指数回报不代表道明交易所买卖基金的回报。所显示的回报率为所示期限的历史总回报率,包括单位价值变动和所有分红再投资,并未考虑任何单位持有人的赎回、佣金或所得税,这些部分会降低回报。过往表现未必会重现。

The TD Canadian Bank Dividend Index ETF is not sponsored, promoted, sold or supported in any other manner by Solactive AG nor does Solactive AG offer any express or implicit guarantee or assurance either with regard to the results of using the Solactive Canadian Bank Dividend Index (CA NTR) ("the Index") and/or any trade mark(s) associated with the Index or the price of the Index at any time or in any other respect. 指数由Solactive AG计算和发布。Solactive AG会尽一切努力确保指数计算正确。

道明交易所买卖基金由道明银行(Toronto-Dominion Bank)全资子公司道明资产管理有限公司(TD Asset Management Inc.)管理。

® The TD logo and other TD trademarks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank